Blog / European Data Protection Day

European Data Protection Day

by SW Team

First, a short definition of data protection; it is the right of individuals to control their personal information and the set of legal and IT technologies that ensure the security, integrity and availability of this information. Also, in 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation, also known as the GDPR, became applicable for the entire European Union.

At SW Hosting we take this very seriously, not only because we comply with the law, but also because it is important to us that you feel safe and secure with us. At the bottom of our website, also known as the footer, we provide you with the EU data protection policy documents (GDPR), so you can check for yourself our compliance with this regulation. Or you can click here.

Since when has it been celebrated? And why?

International Data Protection Day, is celebrated every year on 28 January, and is also known as "Privacy Day" outside Europe. The decision to celebrate it was taken in 2006 by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. On this day, apart from celebrating the anniversary of the signature of Convention 108, it aims to inform and educate users, and all citizens, about the rights they have regarding their data, how to execute them and about the importance of their protection.

It is important to emphasize that this day is very important, since many people are unaware of their rights. It is also a good day to promote and build awareness about how to protect oneself on the Internet and about the processing of personal data.

Which rights are there?

As mentioned above, this day helps to build awareness and inform about the rights that users have over their data.

Here are some of them, which the AEPD (Spanish Data Protection Agency) says you have:

  • You can complain to any company/organisation about which use they make of your data. In addition, you should have the knowledge or information of who has the data and who has access to it.
  • You can request corrections, suppressions ("to be forgotten") and oppositions of your data, if they are incomplete or erroneous.
  • You can request the limitation of the use of your data, if they are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected, but the company requests them anyway. You can also request this if you have objected to the processing, or if you have refuted the veracity of the data. Also, if the processing is misleading.
  • You can have information about the data that is being collected from you. This information is divided into layers, in the first layer there is basic and very summarised information. Then, in the second layer, there is much more detailed information.
If you wish to know this rights in depth, here is a link to the AEPD, but be aware, this page is in Spanish.

Tips to improve privacy

We have explained some of the rights you have over your data. Now we will share with you some tips about how to improve your privacy, so that your data will not be affected or manipulated by any illicit identity:

  • Take care of passwords: It seems obvious, but not everyone puts it into practice. It is recommended to have different passwords for all the applications, pages and/or accounts you are using. In addition, ideally, your passwords should include symbols, small letters, capital letters and numbers, as this makes them much more complex and difficult to obtain. Above all, you should also change them from time to time, and if it is possible, use two-step authentication.
  • Do not open all the links sent to you: If you receive suspicious links via email, SMS or even WhatsApp, do not click on them. Many cybercriminals do this practice; they pretend to be other individuals or companies, send a strange link, and if you end up opening it, you will be giving access not only to your personal data, but also to your bank accounts.
  • Make backups: These copies will allow you to save your information, so you can recover it later without any problem, in case of any attack that may put it in danger. If you are interested, here we explain you about our last update of our Backup service.
  • Use two-step authentication: As mentioned before, it is important to use this type of authentication on your accounts, as it will give you a bit more security. This makes it more difficult for "hackers" to get into your accounts, also if they try to do it by "brute force". When you only have to enter a username and password, it makes it easier for cybercriminals to break in and steal data, as they can eventually crack it just by trying and trying.
  • Do not trust all free Wifi: You have probably seen many bars, hotels, etc. that offer free public wifi, with no password. Whenever possible, avoid these public networks, as many studies have confirmed that this makes it easier for others to take advantage of your data. It is better to use private networks or VPNs, which give you more security if you have to make online purchases or any other transactions, as, in the case of VPNs, they hide your IP address.
Do you know any other tip? Write them in the comments, so that we can share our advices with each other.


A little bit of extra information

Although it is data protection day, we cannot forget about artificial intelligence, as there is a whole regulation in process about it (AIA) and it is very important when it comes to applying it to personal data. In this regulation, apart from defining the different AIs, it also supervises the risk that this type of privacy systems may cause, together with the rights of individuals. It should be clarified that this act or regulation is still in its early stages, but we have no doubt that it will progress very quickly.

Then, moving on to cyber security, one of the topics that interests us the most. It is known that due to certain errors in the 2016 NIS Directive, a new one is being developed to provide better security. Many entities and sectors will be obliged to comply with this Directive. In the case of the financial sector, which is already very advanced, it proposes to control the possible risks involved in the use of information technology and outsourced services.

Finally, you can find articles related to the subject in the search engine of our blog, for example, about compliance with the LOPD (Organic Law on Data Protection). A law that promises to guarantee and protect the processing of personal data, personal privacy and intimacy, the fundamental rights of individuals and public freedoms. And many others, just keep in mind that they are old, but they are fine if you are curious.

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