Blog / Investment in energetic efficiency. The bet of SW Hosting

Investment in energetic efficiency. The bet of SW Hosting

by SW Team

To have your own infrastructure gives you the power of decision. An enterprise wants to have their own facilities in order to make a decision which will be always a benefit for the company.  Not all companies can say the same thing. SW Hosting can.

Our company has its own Infrastructure Department and intern personnel, what it means that it has full autonomy to manage, maintain, extend and improve the Data Center day by day. In this way the team will be always looking for the best performance.

New Data Center in Madrid with the best deployment

The autonomy and the management done it by SW Hosting have brought us to have more and better equipment in its Data Center. We work constantly to reduce the energy consumption, and also want to extend our market arriving to Madrid (the headquarters is in Girona), in GlobalSwitch building.

In this context when we are living our best moment, SW Hosting receive different awards for the job well done. The company has received a lot of awards and one of them, given by 'Data Center Market' for the best energetic efficiency in our Data Center. Year by year we have reached optimize the energetic resources and to adapt the infrastructure to reduce costs and respect the environment. We have doubled the SAIs capacity (of Eaton) without any interruption, we have invested in new equipments of IBM™ and MetaFabric © of Juniper connectivity, currently the company has wanted to illuminate our data center with low-energy light.

In order to do this last action and waiting for the response about different energetic and consumption studies, the Infrastructure Department of SW Hosting has thought to use points of led light as clean energy, non-polluting and with low-energy consumption. We have changed the lights of the fluorescent screens (2x36W) by other screens of led tubes (2x20W). In this case, we have achieved electrical save around 60% for each screen without losing Lm (Lumen: unit of luminous flux). At the same time we have installed switches 'ON-OFF' in different halls of the rack and so it will be switched on all that screens of the hall that is functioning. The rest of them will keep off.

An example of work for the energetic efficiency can be used as a reference for other Data Centers that want to save money and consumption.






Moreover, the same Infrastructure Department has monitoring and control equipment that register all traces of temperature, refrigeration and consume to control all this process. So, from different screens we can see real-time all the consumption and energy input.

Blue light gives you trustfulness in our tech

All these changes come from so long time ago. We'd been working for it and develop until to save more than 60% of energy consume related to illumination and refrigeration. As a difference, in SW Hosting we have wanted to customize our equipments using the blue led light. We have done a lot of tests and finally we get this special warmth, trendy facilities and we have transmitted the quality of our tech.

Everyone who comes and visits us likes the change and thinks that it's favorable. The reaction of customers, visitors and new users is so good. We think that is an important thing to take into account because they trust us for their data.



The optimization plan of energy resources of SW Hosting invites us to save a great amount of money that is added to the new budget of the next year. So cost reduction is awarded giving new opportunities for the technology reinvestment. For this reason this year 2013-2014 we have had more capital and we have been able to open doors in Madrid with a new Data Center and introduce an entire remodeling on our computers.
