Confidence increases at the same time that an application or service has a growing user community. More and more users have taken the plunge. The cloud not only offers speed in the adoption cycle of a technological solution, enabling that the companies/ particulars materialize a project in a few days without spending too much money.
The Cloud System also helps to save time and resources, facilitates collaborative work between different users and provides scalability. The most important thing is to know the risk to our personal or business data. So before moving our information to Cloud, see the advantages it offers.
While any cloud can be managed with proper automation tools from the client's home, data that runs through public clouds or virtual private clouds can be hosted in the U.S. or anywhere in the world. That means that in a few years, the information from our local data may not be in local CPDs.
It is not necessary that our data travel on physical servers on the other side of the ocean. And even more if we don’t know it. Even sometimes we indicate the address of Spain in hiring process, but if the services are managed by third parties, it may be possible that it is a multinational company that does not have their servers physically in Spain. Therefore, without knowing too much detail, maybe we can sign contracts without knowing whether the CPDs can be away from home or not, although they ensure us that our data is safe in the cloud.
The advice we can give to you from SW Hosting is that we should carefully read the contract and know what the LOPD (Organic Law on Data Protection) says about it. If we want our data to come under European legal framework or directly to the Spanish one, the first step is to choose a reliable service provider.
Concerning is often placed on knowing who owns the data in the cloud and who can access to it. As we have said, the most sensitive issue is where our data is stored, because if this data is found outside from the Spanish territory, we will consider what happens if the data is stored elsewhere in the LOPD no legal force. Current legislation stipulates that the transfer must be limited to nations in which the data has thus defined as an adequate level of protection.