It has been detected that e-mails sent to Hotmail, MSN and Outlook accounts are not delivered correctly, and the typical "undelivered mail returned to sender" message is not received.
After several enquiries with the above-mentioned providers, it has been confirmed that their anti-spam system is not based on official IP blocking lists or spam content detectors. Instead, mail delivery is affected if users of their platforms (Outlook, Hotmail, MSN) have marked a specific domain as unwanted.
This policy problem with hotmail severely affects many users, as their emails may not be delivered as they are mistaken as spam. The solution proposed by the Microsoft team is that the user who uses a Hotmail account adds the domain from which he wants to receive mail to the list of safe senders.
In SWHosting, we offer the option of configuring the mail accounts in different managers, including an online web mail environment.
This is the quickest and easiest option to configure the SW Hosting mail account as IMAP in Outlook 2013.
1.-Pre-configure the account.
Inside Outlook we select the option "Add account".
2.-Main data of the account.
We choose the option "Email account" and enter in the fields that indicate "Your name", "Email address", "Password" and "Repeat password", and select "Next" for Outlook to automatically create the account.
3.-Certificate Confirmation
During activation, one or more messages are displayed stating "The name of the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site", click "Yes" on all of them to continue the configuration.
Outlook cannot connect the accounts via SSL, so it will show us the following warning. Accept to make the connection without encryption.
Once the configuration is finished, it indicates that the account has been created.
To finish, click on the "Finish" button and you will be able to use the email account.
In this article we explain how we can configure an email account already created in SW Hosting in Outlook 2013, indicating the server name, the connection ports and the user data of the account.
1.-Pre-configuration of the account.
In Outlook we select the option "Add account".
Choose the option "Manual configuration or additional server types".
We establish the type of service we want, in our case it will be the option "POP or IMAP".
2.-Main account details.
On the next page we must enter the parameters relating to the email account. When you have finished, select "More settings...".
3.-Advanced options for the email account.
Check the "Outgoing server" tab, choose the options "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" and "Use the same settings as my incoming mail server".
Finally, click on the "Advanced" tab and enter port 143 for IMAP, and the connection type must be "None". For SMTP, port 578 and the connection type "None".
When we click on accept, we see that the IMAP and POP3 account configuration window is displayed again. Select "Next", an information screen opens and a connectivity test is carried out with the configured account.
Once the test is successful, we already have our SW Hosting mail account configured in Outlook 2013.
For any consultation, you can contact us. Remember that SW Hosting offers you the best company e-mails so you can be in contact with your clients at all times.