Blog / Alma Linux now available for Cloud deployments

Alma Linux now available for Cloud deployments

by SW Team

At SW Hosting, we have exciting news for you! We are pleased to inform you that from now on you will have the possibility to deploy your clouds with the latest version of the Alma Linux OS distribution, a highly reliable and powerful option based on CentOS.

What does this mean for you? Well, now you have Alma Linux, which has become an exceptional alternative after the changes made by Red Hat with CentOS, offering a solid, open source solution that guarantees optimal performance for your projects and applications in the cloud.

Some technical details

Alma Linux is based on the same open source philosophy as CentOS and is compatible with most applications and tools. This means you don't have to worry about incompatibilities or migration issues, as Alma Linux is designed to ensure a smooth experience and seamless transition.

Alma Linux is based on the RHEL source code, but has some unique technical features which distinguish the system. Its optimised Linux kernel and advanced virtualisation options allow you to take full advantage of cloud infrastructure resources, improving the performance and efficiency of your applications.

In addition, Alma Linux has a solid integration with Docker, which facilitates the implementation and management of containers, speeding up the development and deployment of your projects. This results in increased productivity and reduced costs in terms of resources and time.

So don't wait any longer and try setting up your cloud with the Alma Linux OS distribution by clicking here. And if you are still not convinced, here are some advantages and disadvantages of this distribution.

Advantages of Alma Linux

In this section we will explain some of the main advantages of this Linux distribution based on CentOs, but if you want to know more about this distribution, here is its Wiki:

  • Stability and Long-Term Support: Alma Linux is known for its focus on stability and commitment to long-term support. This is particularly valuable for critical servers and enterprise environments, ensuring reliable and continuous service operation.

  • Compatibility with CentOS: Alma Linux is based on the CentOS source code and maintains a high level of compatibility with this distribution. This allows users to easily migrate from CentOS to Alma Linux without having to make significant changes to their infrastructure.

  • Updates and Security Patches: The team behind Alma Linux is committed to providing updates and security patches on a continuous basis. This ensures that the system is protected against vulnerabilities and guarantees a secure environment for data and applications.

  • Integration with Emerging Technologies: Alma Linux includes advanced technical features such as support for Docker containers and advanced virtualisation options. This allows users to take advantage of new technologies to optimise the performance and scalability of their applications.

  • Active Community & Support: Alma Linux has a growing and active community that offers support, tutorials and documentation. Users can find valuable resources for solving problems and improving their experience with this distribution.

Disadvantages of Alma Linux

Although Alma Linux is an excellent choice, it is important to remember that no operating system or distribution is perfect, and Alma Linux is no exception. For this reason, we would like to point out some of its disadvantages so that you can weigh them up against its advantages.

  • “New”: Although Alma Linux has quickly gained popularity, it is still a relatively new distribution compared to other Linux options. This may cause some users to feel uncertain about its long-term stability and maturity.

  • Less Proprietary Tools: Unlike other commercial distributions, Alma Linux does not offer a full range of proprietary tools and value-added services. Some users may prefer a distribution that offers a more complete set of solutions and more direct technical support.


In conclusion, Alma Linux is a solid and reliable alternative to CentOS, with advanced technical features and a focus on stability and long-term support. In addition, its open source base, compatibility with popular applications and tools, and solid integration with Docker make this distribution a powerful choice for servers and cloud infrastructures.

#AlmaLinux #Cloud #CloudComputing #LinuxDistribution #AlternativeToCentOS #OpenSource #LongTermSupport #LinuxInfrastructure #OpenSourceTechnology #ITSecurity #Docker #OperatingSystems #Virtualization #CentOSReplacement #AlmaLinuxExperience #CloudEfficiency #StabilityAndPerformance
