· Tutorial ·

How to install Woocommerce in Wordpress

WooCommerce is an open source plugin for WordPress.

This plugin allows you to create online commerce stores using the content management system (CMS). It is designed for large and small online stores with Wordpress.

WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce option to date and, moreover, it is free.

In this manual we will explain how to install WooCommerce in WordPress.


First of all, we must have the WordPress content manager in our web environment.

Wordpress is the most popular content manager in the creation of web environments.

From SWHosting we offer the installation of Wordpress in your hosting in a very simple way:

If you want to do it manually, you can follow the official WordPress guide:

  • https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/before-install/howto-install/

⚠️Once you have WordPress, you must access as administrator⚠️

How to install Woocommerce

Once inside our WordPress, we will go to "Plugins" -> "Add new plugin":

In the search engine located in the right corner, search for the "WooCommerce" plugin and then install the first option that appears:

And click on the "Activate" button:

Once done, the default Woocommerce configuration will appear, we will go to "Configure my account":

We will select the option that suits us best:

And we add the information of our online store:

Once done, it allows us to add different features for our business, we will evaluate and install the necessary ones:

And we would already have WooCommerce installed in our WordPress. The only thing left to do is to start configuring and adding our content:
