· Tutorial ·

.CAT domains

Register a .cat domain with special characters

The registration process of a .cat domain with special characters does not work the same as with other domain extensions. When you want to register a .cat domain with a special character, you should first have registered the homonymous domain without this character. The process to follow will be as follows:

  • Register the homonymous domain without the special character.
  • Open a Support Wall and tell us to add the variant of the name with the special character associated to your domain, without any additional cost.

A .cat domain can have for FREE all the variants that its name admits.

Special characters

In the following table we show the valid variations with special character with respect to the homonym:

à---------------------a -> If we want to register tarlà.cat, initially we will register tarla.cat
é---------------------e -> préstec.cat => prestec.cat
è---------------------e -> nèctar.cat => nectar.cat
í----------------------i -> país.cat => pais.cat
ï----------------------i -> països.cat => paisos.cat
ó---------------------o -> organització.cat => organitzacio.cat
ò---------------------o -> anònim.cat => anonim.cat
ú---------------------u -> única.cat => unica.cat
ü---------------------u -> reüll.cat => reull.cat
ç---------------------c -> força.cat => forca.cat
l·l--------------------l-l -> goril·la.cat => gorila.cat
