· Tutorial ·

How to change the root directory of your Web

To manage the root directory of your web hosting on your cloud server using the SWPanel, you will have to follow the following steps:

1. Indicate in the upper box of the SWPanel the name of the service whose root directory you want to modify.

enter image description here

2. In the menu on the left side of the Dashboard of your Hosting service, click on the drop-down Manage Service to go to the option Manage Web Root Directory.

enter image description here

3. By default, the root path of the web is domain/data/web. To modify it, you will have to click on the directory tree on the folder you want to set as root directory.

4. Finally, accept the changes by clicking on the "Assign directory" button.

enter image description here

Once the action is completed, your hosting will load the website from the directory defined in the previous step.
