The autoresponder function allows you to generate an automatic reply (previously configured) to the e-mail messages received by an e-mail account.
Important! Only one autoresponder will be sent per day for each message received by the same email account.
To configure an autoresponder, locate from the "Active services tree", the service where you want to configure it, or you can use the general SWPanel search engine to find it:
Once inside the Dashboard of the service, you must go to "Service management" → "Mail management" from the blue side menu:
Once in the "Mail management of your service" menu, you must position the mouse cursor over the [...] menu of the account to be configured and click on "Modify this mail account":
You must go to the top tab "Autoresponder" and from there, click on the blue button "Create Autoresponder":
Then, you must indicate the message you want to be sent and the autoresponder activation period.