· Tutorial ·

How to restart domain validation after domain suspension

In 2013, a mandatory data verification policy was established. If the validation of the owner contact of a domain has not been performed in time (within 15 days), the domain stops functioning at DNS level. If it is validated after a suspension there will be DNS propagation.

You can get more information by viewing our Whois Accuracy manual.

If you have not been able to validate it within this period, do not worry, you can proceed to restart the validation process of a domain through the SWPanel.

First of all, you must access your SWPanel, click on the Domains and SSL option located in the blue left side menu and then click on Domain Portfolio.

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Once you are in your domain portfolio, you will see an exclamation icon to the left of your domain. If you click on the icon, you will find information about its status. In this case, suspended for not validating on time.

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Once the domain status is displayed, if you place the mouse cursor on the drop-down menu "... " located to the right of your domain's expiration date, you will find the option "Reset domain validation ".

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You will then be prompted to enter the email address where the request to process the domain validation will be sent. You must check the checkbox "I want to restart the domain validation..." and finally click on "Restart validation".

enter image description here

Once this action is completed, you will have to check the email seen in the previous step to proceed with the validation of the domain.
